Wyomissing Trivia & Music Bingo, Team Text Trivia & Mungo Music Bingo @ Sly Fox Taphouse Tues 6:00p 2-28-23
Team Text Trivia and MUNGO Music Bingo.. at the Sly Fox Taphouse in Wyomissing at 6 PM. Gift card prizes and also fantastic deals! Clues for the week – https://ttrivia.us/PAClues Join Eric and our great associates to truly have a wonderful time exercising your mind as well as this week singing along with: Check out the show schedule here: https://allpartystarz.com/all-party-starz-karaoke-trivia-events/ MUNGO MUsic biNGO Theme This week is 2000's hits Music Bingo - 2000's Hits Trivia Clues for this week: – https://ttrivia.us/PAClues 3 main Golf clubs are 1. Irons and 2. Woods (Drivers) or 3. Putters (Wedges) What million-selling children’s toy invented in 1943 was essentially a spring - The Slinky What was the name of the AI computer program that started judgment day in the Terminator series? – Skynet All Entertainment and Celebrity Photos via Creative Commons CC BY 2.0, https://creativecommons.org Last Week's Winners MUNGO Music Bingo in Wyomissing PA 2-14-23 Winne